The whole idea of the cash mob is to drive people to spend money at local businesses, more specifically, those affected by the Henley Bridge closure.
"After a very successful cash mob at Emery's 5 & 10, I am happy to announce that the second cash mob will benefit two businesses: the Disc Exchange and Wee Care Shoppe on Chapman Highway," Mayor Burchett said. "The Disc Exchange and Wee Care are two great local businesses, and I hope everyone will come out to support them this Friday from 5 to 7 p.m."
The Disc Exchange is located at 2615 Chapman Highway right next door to the Wee Care Shoppe located at 2537 Chapman Highway.
Anyone interested in keeping up with the latest Knox Cash Mob activity can follow @KnoxCashMob on Twitter and "like" the Knox Cash Mob page on Facebook.
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